HomeBound Podcast
A Dialogue for The Ages
An original podcast featuring conversation and stories between one of our cultures most under-utilized natural resources...our elders, and our culture's juniors, those in search of their own chairs, young folks whose own stories are just beginning.
Seasons 1 & 2
Streaming on all podcast platforms!
In collaboration with the Intergenerational Ypsilanti Senior Center Project
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There is a window frame with HB in the center of the frame. The bottom of the frame is a woodgrain, while the top is painted and matte. The top of the background is a solid color while the bottom half is a pastel floral print.
There is a window frame with HB in the center of the frame. The bottom of the frame is a woodgrain, while the top is painted and matte. The top of the background is a solid color while the bottom half is a pastel floral print.
Meet the Team
Mixer & Maestro: Eric-Erock Minni
Conceptualizer & Creative: ‘Jessica ‘aka Decky’ Alexander
Production Team Savants: Catherine Cofffey-Burns and Tyler ‘Puff’ Calhoun
Original Music by Eric-Erock Minni
In every neighborhood, town and street, there are worlds within worlds spanning generations and time, so take some time and connect, catch up, swap stories and memories, make new ones, even if you're home bound.
Homebound Podcast is a project of Limelight, a little company focused on illuminating big ideas on the stage and through sound, this Homebound podcast is funded in part by Generations United. Special thanks to: Abbie Lawrence-Jacobson, Sheri Steinig, Gilbert House, EMU Family Empowerment Program, and the Ypsilanti Senior Center.
©2019 by Limelight, LLC.